My cat rusty

kazuscara yaoiflop

Here are some snippets of my works with full-length links! All of the following can be found on my AO3 page here.

Anal Sex Isn't Gay (Part 4)

Kazuha and Kunikuzushi are roommates. Kunikuzushi loathes Kazuha for his sexuality, until he quickly becomes desperate for him.

	“Good boy.”
	Kunikuzushi's face grew hot and pressure welled behind his eyes. The bridge of his nose was pinched shut while the air trapped in his chest caused his body to seize involuntarily, the death of his senses inciting a deep-seated panic to roll throughout his stomach and into his cock.
	When Kazuha released him, Kunikuzushi recoiled backwards, catching his breath in long, irregular heaves and continuing to gag on his own spit. 

	He was reminded of his physicality as Kazuha cupped his cheek and pulled him back towards his thighs, saying, “Is it too much for you?”
	Kazuha’s words were both a tease and a genuine precaution; he had a habit of being careful with Kunikuzushi's inexperience, even altogether forgetting the fact he was supposed to be dominant at points.
	But Kunikuzushi grew even hotter in the face still. “Shut up,” he retorted—he didn't need Kazuha looking down on him, never mind the fact that was exactly what he was doing.
	More specifically, Kazuha was looking down at him as he fucked his throat, his hands intermittently stroking Kunikuzushi’s jaw, collecting fistfuls of his hair to keep him in place. He admired the way Kunikuzushi would take so much at once that he struggled to maintain his by default frown as his brow quivered, twisting up.
	Before Kazuha could waste any more time with his concern, Kunikuzushi gaped and took him back into his mouth.
	Kazuha shoved the palm of his foot against Kunikuzushi's shorts, eliciting a muffled moan from the latter as he began to grind against it and pull weakly at the cuffs of Kazuha’s pants.
	“You’re going to make me cum before I even get the chance to touch you, Kuni,” Kazuha cooed and fit the man’s jaw into the cusp of his palms, bucking into his mouth and sending the tip of his cock down his throat. “Someone’s been learning. Difficult day today?”
	Kunikuzushi responded in an unintelligible mix of grunts, resolving to merely open his eyes and glare up at him as proof he was still listening and just didn't care. My knees hurt, he was too busy thinking.
	Kazuha was generous with the moans he gave out; his voice caught on every breath, calm as he concentrated, and he threw his head back, white hair falling past his shoulders and exposing the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed. Kunikuzushi stole as many glances up at him as he could afford. He was as beautiful as the day was bright—and though Kunikuzushi was akin to a chronic loser with no affection towards tedious matters like going outside (both within this metaphor and outside of it), there was no denying Kazuha. He hated him, still, and all the ways he was so perfect—but his stubborn egotism would always conveniently subside whenever Kazuha would hold him down against something and pound him into next week.
	And, most of all, he was his. His boyfriend: that sick, evil word. He hated the way it sounded, how people might look at him as he said it. He couldn't help but see it as something reserved for his own private usage only, something to say when they were alone, kissing each other into the bedsheets and braiding legs as they slept. There was shame, as there always was with Kunikuzushi, but most importantly—there was possession. To give that word away to the world felt like he would be sharing Kazuha, and Kunikuzushi would sooner sacrifice the world than even the slightest bit of Kazuha. His Kazuha.
	“Kazuha,” Kunikuzushi moaned, and his pupils emerged behind lidded eyes. He came to absent-mindedly clutch at Kazuha’s sweater, pulling him closer out of an urge for more. “Say it.”
	Kazuha ran a hand through the man’s hair, brushing strays away from his face. “Say what?”
	Kunikuzushi frowned. “You know.”
	The hand that passed through the roots of his hair found its way again to his neck, its thumb rubbing tenderly against a vein. “I don't even get a ‘please?’”
	“Oh, fuck off,” Kunikuzushi retorted, only to be matched with a soft tightening around his throat—not necessarily a punishment, rather the promise of a reward if he were to cooperate. “Kazuha,” he whined, pulling him down by the shirt to reintroduce the kiss.
	Kazuha complied, though paused just before their lips could connect. “Come on, Kuni. You can do it,” he gently teased. It would be humiliating if not for the fact it was Kazuha, his words near-constantly rooted in an earnestness.
	“... Please,” Kunikuzushi caved.
	“And what could I do to that but oblige?” Kazuha kissed him briefly, an instant bout of gratification, then continued, “I love you, Kuni.”
	Another kiss. “I love you so much.” Another. “I love you more than you could ever imagine.” Another. “Than the day is bright.” Another. “Than words could explain.”
	Kunikuzushi pulled him back so much that they were sent entirely off balance, Kazuha keeling over him and stumbling onto the floor and atop him.
	As soon as they were capable, they kissed again, deeper and longer until they were left with no breath. “Do I (he caught his breath) get one back?” Kazuha said. An unseen confidence always tended to unveil itself when it came to Kunikuzushi, derived from a certain aspect of Kazuha that demanded to love (and make love to) him and a certain aspect of Kunikuzushi that invoked it: Kunikuzushi’s smallness beneath him, the way his body shrunk in on itself as it let go of the control and superiority he was so used to, and Kazuha’s propensity to fill the needed gaps—give him whatever he wanted, especially if it were to be someone to hold him.
	“I love you,” Kunikuzushi responded, the tension in his jaw and aversion of his eyes a manifestation of his embarrassment. 
	Kazuha kissed him. “Again?” he urged.
	“... I love you.” Another. “I love you.” Another. Kunikuzushi was thoroughly red in the face. “I love you.” Kazuha pushed him back against the ground, removing the hands from his shirt and holding them above the man’s head. Another. Breathlessly: “Kazuha…” Another.
	Kazuha broke away from him, grabbing the man’s legs with more directness than intentional force and lifting him so that he had greater access to his ass.
	“We’re just doing it on the ground…?” he said, somewhat put off by the idea in part because of his general high maintenance, but turned on by the idea of Kazuha’s eagerness.
	“Like animals,” Kazuha responded, hooking his hands beneath the man’s pants and wrestling them off of him with practice.
	But, contrary to animalistic desire, Kazuha decided to take his time, kissing the inside of Kunikuzushi's thighs until his mouth found his rim.
	Kunikuzushi moaned, arching his back and digging his nails into the ground as Kazuha began to eat him out. “Fuck, Kazuha—” He glanced back and, at the same time as he saw him, felt Kazuha at work. His shoulders hitched up towards his neck, a well forming in the space between his shoulder blades, and his head fell as pleasure rolled through his body. 
	As Kazuha wrapped a hand around his hips to stroke his cock, Kunikuzushi moaned, grabbing his wrist, “No—Kazuha, if you touch me, I’m going to—fuck, I’m going to cum.”
	In response, Kazuha only tightened his fist as he moved his hand, eliciting a deeper groan from the man as he began to unravel. Then, removing himself from his ass, Kazuha wrapped his mouth over his cock to finish him off and swapped into his ass a couple fingers.
	Kunikuzushi cried from the sensation and folded his legs around the back of Kazuha’s head, locking him in place and urging him deeper. His dick filled Kazuha’s throat, his stomach burning with the urge to fill it almost immediately, though suspended by an equal urge to prolong the moment. The face of Kazuha’s struggle was possibly the most arousing thing: his brows furrowing in the closest thing to frustration he would ever see on Kazuha, knuckles tensing around his thighs, eyelids fluttering as he resisted the urge to gag.
	After undoing the leg lock with relative ease, reaching behind his head and pulling apart Kunikuzushi's legs by his ankles, Kazuha allowed himself a breath before swallowing him down once more.
	“Fuck, fuck, Kazuha, would you wait one second? I’m dead fucking serious—I’m too close—” 
	His legs twisted in the air from where Kazuha held them, and he struggled to keep his hips stable amidst his own squirming. He gripped Kazuha’s hair, internally debating with himself whether to pull him off (to keep himself from finishing too early) or indulge in the man’s mouth. In his hesitation, Kazuha continued, blowing him from tip to hilt and curling two fingers against his prostate.
	Feeling himself on the brink of cumming, Kunikuzushi attempted to prevent it by pulling Kazuha off, though he was yet too late. “Hrrgh—Kazuha—oh, fuck” was all he could manage before he finally failed to his orgasm, at first a solitary spurt before the dam broke inside his cock. Cum spilled over Kazuha’s lips, shooting in a fifty-fifty split between his cheek and tongue.


In response to horrific storms tearing through their city at the hands of their own god, the people of Inazuma look to sacrifice a virgin priest to the God of Lightning, Beelzebub.

They think her wrath comes from one priest's beauty, as many claim it greater than that of the gods he worships. Though, unbeknownst to the priests that lock him in a temple to starve before Beelzebub's shrine, the young mortal Kunikuzushi has a secret admirer in the form of the very God of Nature himself.

	"You were taught to pray to the gods, so—" Kazuha brushed Kunikuzushi's bangs aside so that he could see his face—"show me some faith, my dear priest."
	"Fuck you."
	Kazuha's hand tightened around the roots of his hair as he slammed into Kunikuzushi. "Is this what you want?"
	Kunikuzushi moaned, an answer in itself, and grasped the silk toga stripped from him. The gold around his neck jingled as Kunikuzushi's body rocked from the force of Kazuha's thrusts. Thrust; his bracelets clattered against each other. Thrust; his rings scraped against the altar stone. Thrust; his earrings enunciated each of Kunikuzushi's movements like windchimes in a busy storm.
	Kunikuzushii struggled to keep himself still under the feeling of being stretched so much he could rip apart.
	"Kazuha," Kunikuzushi cried, his cheek pressed against the altar and spit pooling by his lips. "Ka—zu—ha—" he continued, getting fucked into between each syllable.
	Kazuha let his eyes close and a groan emitted from his chest as pleasure washed over him. Kunikuzushi filled Kazuha's senses—the smell of oil, sweat, and sex; the sound of his jewelry, his cries, his moans; the feeling of his body tighten around Kazuha's cock; the sight of him tied down and displayed. 
	"... Pursuer of scarlet leaves and times of never… of…" Kunikuzushi began absentmindedly, losing track of his own prayers as he was telling them.
	Kazuha stroked his back. "Bringer of eternity and resident of the natural world," he continued on his behalf.
	"You have—gods, fuck—" Kunikuzushi broke out into a groan.
	"Start over."
	"Shut up. I do what I want."
	"Lord K—" 
	Kazuha slapped his ass, and Kunikuzushi’s body tensed.
	"My hand slipped. Go on."
	"Yeah, right. Shut up. I'm not going to, anymore. You ruined it."
	"No, come on. I liked it," Kazuha reassured him.
	Despite his encouragement, Kazuha's pace only quickened, serving only to throw Kunikuzushi off and distract him even more than he already was.
	"Dominus Aceris Palmati," he repeated, over and over, until all that remained on his tongue were the syllables of "Dominus."
	Dominus. Dominus. Dominus. Dominus. It rang through Kunikuzushi’s throat with enough care it could have been more powerful than the words of all his prayers combined, sung from true desperation, want, and need.
	Kazuha tilted his head back, his breath heightening and eyes clenching shut. With a hand around the base of Kunikuzushi’s neck, he said in a hoarse, shallow breath, “Remember which god loves you best.”
	Kunikuzushi could only give a dull, weak whine in response.
	The vines that shackled him climbed his plush skin further, passing through the mess of sweat and fluid running down the insides of his legs, until they encroached upon his entrances. They grabbed and split him apart; they touched every inch of his body that Kazuha so desperately yearned to run his hands along.
	When Kazuha fucked into him, staving off that climax by seconds at a time, he imagined the plethora of things he could do to that priest. He imagined taking Kunikuzushi to the hidden lakes unseen by civilization, stripping him down where no one but the curious songbird could see them, loving him every single day through to every single night—as active as life was, sprouting under the sun, lurking beneath the moon’s glare. He wanted to love that priest like a god should, honoring every prayer the man made that went unheard, giving humans what kindness they deserved. He wanted to run his hands along Kunikuzushi’s tense muscles, along the thousand trails of vein that spread throughout his body like tree roots, and detoxify his form of every woe, hardship, and needless grudge. If there was a way for him to bear those burdens for him, he would. He had watched this mortal with only distant admiration, and finally, he could express what care he bore for him.

scara birthday

Kunikuzushi celebrates his birthday with his two best friends.

	Immediately, Kunikuzushi’s hands locked around Kazuha’s, trying to bear the pain. “Fuck, oh—fuck, Kazuha—”
	Beneath him, Mona traveled up to kiss his neck, one hand still deep inside his ass while the other comforted his clit. He barely felt the sensation—he was too busy convincing himself he wasn’t going to split in half.
	“Kazuha,” he begged him to do something between slowing down and speeding up, his mouth fumbling before the words came to. All that resulted were useless, pitiful moans. “Kazuha—”
	“I’m here,” Kazuha answered, kissing his skin. “I’m here, Kuni, baby… Is it too much?”
	Kunikuzushi gave out a high-pitched cry.
	“I need you to use your words.”
	“Fu~uck,” Kunikuzushi managed, stretching out his syllables across multiple groans.
	Kazuha’s grip on his hips tightened, holding him in place as he stopped.
	“... ‘m fine,” Kunikuzushi said, only so that Kazuha would start moving again.
	“Good. I’m halfway inside.”
	Kunikuzushi threw his head back with a moan. Halfway???? he cried internally.
	“Forgive me for using you on your birthday like this, Kuni,” Kazuha said against his ear as the pace his cock sunk into him increased and their fingers wove together. 
	Mona’s lips closed around his tits, kissing and suckling at them. “Is there anything else he would have wished for?” she said as she pulled away for air.
	His body was being stimulated from every direction—everything was hot, tight, and wet—and he forgot where most of himself was.
	Deeper and deeper Kazuha went, and Kunikuzushi swore he would run out of length before Kazuha did, but their hips soon met as Kazuha’s hilt kissed his entrance.
	But before Kunikuzushi could relax, the two of them began to thrust into him at once.
	Mona slicked her fingers with lube and continued to fuck into Kunikuzushi’s ass as his pussy was kept busy. “Ungh, fuck,” Kunikuzushi whined, his mind struggling to manage all the sensations inside him, “I—I’m going to cum.”
	Thrust, thrust, thrust—with each harder than the last, there was little he could do but bear it.
	Mona laid back and pulled him down with her, pressing their tits together and kissing his lips. “If you keep gripping me like that, it won’t be long before I do, too,” she said before diving back into his mouth, continuing to buck her hips into him.
	Then, Kazuha pulled out, and Kunikuzushi felt as if he was missing something. “Why—?” he said between breaths. “Why did you stop—?”
	Kazuha rubbed his shoulder lovingly and pressed the tip against Kunikuzushi’s ass. And suddenly, Kunikuzushi realized why he was wrapped.
	Mona kissed him. “It’s going to hurt,” she said.
	“Oh, fuck, Kazuha,” he managed, reaching back to plant a hand against the man’s thigh. There was nothing he could say before his rim broke around Kazuha’s cock, which began to pierce him like a spearhead. “Fuck!” he shouted. “Kazuha! I—I’m not ready—”
	“Shhh,” Kazuha soothed him, rubbing a hand down his back as he writhed.
	He buried his head in the mattress, his teeth full of the sheets. His back arched as he struggled to accommodate Kazuha with the stabbing pain inside his back. Kazuha’s dick, thoroughly slick with both lube and Kunikuzushi’s own fluids, glided into his ass and penetrated him only deeper despite his tight resistance. Kunikuzushi, now stuffed on both sides, felt himself start to lose his own body, torn apart for consumption and violated so lovingly. Soon, he eased into it and realized Kazuha was talking to him, soothing him with sweet words and little massages.
	“I love you, Kunikuzushi,” he said, his eyes shut and brows knit from how the man beneath him squeezed his dick. Grabbing Kunikuzushi’s ass and leaning over him, he pushed himself only deeper. “And I want you to remember how much of your body that I love. I know it hurts, love, and you’re doing so well for me.”
	Kunikuzushi cried into the pillow as Kazuha forced his cock in and out of Kunikuzushi’s rim with long, steady thrusts, sparing a hand to align himself each time he reentered. The two of them continued to run through Kunikuzushi, drawing out pathetic little moans as they dismantled and reduced him to a thing of their pleasure—their pretty little fucktoy.
	“Oh my gods, he’s so tight,” Mona moaned, burying herself into him again and making him buck against her. “Aah, I’m so close.”
	“Don’t you fucking dare do it inside,” Kunikuzushi said between breaths. Despite how busy he was, trying to manage Kazuha’s cock, he could always spare something mean to say to her.
	Kazuha rubbed his shoulder lovingly, then grabbed him by the love handles and pushed him down against Mona’s hips. “You can take it, Kuni.”
	Mona gave more regard for Kazuha’s permission to creampie his boyfriend than Kunikuzushi’s.
	“You—you,” he tried to find the words, but quickly melted back into Mona’s lips. Their chests pressed together, sweat meeting sweat, and Mona’s tits were soft against his. His thighs tightened, and he could feel Mona throbbing inside of him as she approached her limit. Now, she rolled herself against Kunikuzushi, wrestling her cock deeper inside of him than he had ever allowed. 
	“You’re like a cat in heat, taking it so easily,” she cooed and kissed him as she thrusted, exploring his mouth when the pleasure left it gaping and making him tight around her. “I didn't know you loved me so much.”
	“Fuck you—unngh,” Kunikuzushi began, only to be cut off as Kazuha slammed down into him, grinding his hips against the plushness of Kunikuzushi’s ass. Kunikuzushi whined, tightening around the both of them, thinking, Fuck, they're just using me, now—Kazuha pulled out—How long has Kazuha been wanting to stuff it in my ass? He’s—Kazuha slammed himself back in—fuck, he’s so deep, I can't fucking think.
	And Mona better not cum inside of me, he cursed her, though he could do little with how Kazuha held Kunikuzushi firm as he squirmed, keeping him still as they stuffed his holes. As a test, he shifted his hips away, to which they both grabbed and pulled him only tighter onto their cocks. Kazuha hugged him, held his arms to his chest, and kept him down.
	“Fuck—I’m cumming—” Mona threw her head back and pressed her balls against his entrance, shuddering as she spouted ribbons into Kunikuzushi’s belly. He felt the warmth fill him somewhere deep. It mixed in with an onset of shame, knowing Mona would never let him live this (or their past excursions) down.
	“You—you fuck,” he whined, feeling her load churn in him and line his walls. It’s so deep. That stupid witch.
	“Sorry,” she said sarcastically and followed up with a kiss on the cheek. Kunikuzushi said nothing in his defeat.
	Kazuha soon pulled him off her and up against his chest, watching as her cum trailed out from his stretched entrance and onto her own stomach. “Look at that. You're so pretty like this.” Filled. Dripping. Used.
	“Did you—?” Kunikuzushi began, panting, and wiped away the tears at his eyes.
	Kazuha shook his head. “Not yet. I want to do more with you.”
	Then, Kazuha promptly lifted Kunikuzushi by threading his arms beneath his knees and pinning his legs up towards his chest. Kunikuzushi, thoroughly exhausted, could do little but let himself be hoisted up and displayed.
	Kazuha continued to thrust into Kunikuzushi, skin slapping against skin as his dick reached deeper and deeper depths and reorganized his guts as it went. Meanwhile, Mona revived, finding a place at Kunikuzushi’s T-dick and intermediately switching between sucking him off and eating out the cum from his entrance, which now poured out with how tightly his core muscles clenched. 
	“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck—fuck—fu—ck,” Kunikuzushi choked through his sobs as Kazuha’s pace increased, sweat dripping down his cheek and mixing with tears. He clutched Kazuha’s forearms desperately, drawing his fingers so tightly that his nails drew blood from Kazuha’s skin. “Kazuha—oh my God—I—”
	“Good boy, Kuni,” Kazuha cooed, voice too sweet for how relentlessly his hips moved, then asked, “Can you cum for me?”
	“I—No, wait, I’ll… fuck, slow down, or else I’ll—I’ll—”
	But Kazuha continued to pound his ass sloppily and relished in the way Kunikuzushi spasmed around his cock, coaxing out the man’s climax. His back arched against Kazuha’s chest, his toes curled, and his body shook in powerful, full-body tremors.